Updated 8.23.23

How to write genuinely engaging captions for Instagram that attract and engage the right followers!

Here’s 6 rules on how to write social media captions for Instagram that captivate, cultivate, convince, and convert your audience.

Today, I have another post I did in my early days on how to write the perfect caption for Instagram, but since I’ve started a new path on the gram, I have a whole new approach and a completely new method of creating engaging captions for Instagram. I would love to share them with you.

Here are the six rules that I now use and live by to write engaging captions for Instagram.

Rule #1 – Give your followers a motive to respond.

It’s not difficult to point out the obvious, and It’s annoying. For instance, you’re looking at an image of the snowy day on your feed– and your caption says “snowy day ahead”…how am I suppose to react to that?

I love a cold snowy day, that feeling of seeing a crisp white background, and the fireplace going in the house helps me relax my mind. To that, followers may respond with an emotion or even a feeling they get when they are snowed in. It gives them a reason to comment on your post.

Rule #2 – Tell a quick story or perhaps a silly quote.

Telling a quick and merely digestible story helps you connect with your followers. This may also convert them into clients! Your followers don’t usually want to see a selling post or even a promotional post about your business, sometimes they want to connect with you. Short stories help build relationships with followers. Also, adding in some personality and a silly quote or a joke can boost it’s relatability to the audience and make it enjoyable.

Telling a quick and very easily digestible story allows you to connect with your followers.

Rule #3 – What’s the intention of your post.

Is the goal of your post to sell a product or even create a connection with your followers? When you have a definite purpose of what you want to talk about in your post, creating an enticing becomes easier. Primarily because you’re not trying to do too many things at once with your followers. Your caption is more valuable and meaningful to your reader.

Rule #4 – Write engaging captions for Instagram to attract your ideal follower.

Don’t strive to attract everyone. You’ll either attract or repel them. If that follower unfollows you because a post you wrote repels them, then that follower will have never been a customer of your small business anyways. I’d instead attract 200 engaged users, then 2,000 passive followers. You do not have to have a massive following to appeal to people that are your ideal customer, and you don’t need to have a tremendous following to make money on Instagram either. Sure it may look great for social status, but what good is that when no one loves or engage with your content. Creating engaging captions is your number one priority.

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Download 50 incredible calls to action to use in your captions now

Rule #5 – Use a mix of short and extended captions.

Instagram only shows 87 characters before it’s cut with the’ see more’ button. Therefore have a range of short and long captions helps define your intention. Writing a lengthy caption about an experience you had can help you connect with your perfect client while short captions can help you get your point, and business across.

Rule #6 – Use a mix of short and extended captions.

On Instagram, think of hashtags as the big signposts that help people find the posts they’re looking for. Just like how search engines use keywords, using the right hashtags can really help your ideal customer spot you in the crowd. When you pick the best ones and add them to your posts, there’s a much better chance of the right folks seeing your stuff.

But here’s the key: Don’t go overboard. While Instagram permits up to 30 hashtags per post, a barrage of them can seem spammy and insincere. Instead, focus on two to five highly relevant and keyword-rich hashtags that genuinely represent your content and resonate with your target audience. Even Adam Mosseri, head of Instagram, has mentioned that the best number of hashtags are 2-3 closely related to your content.

How do you choose these golden hashtags?

Reflect on your ideal client. What would they type into the Instagram search bar to find you? For instance, if you’re a yoga instructor, they might search for #YogaForBeginners or #MorningMeditationForWomen. If you’re a vegan bakery, it might be #VeganPastries or #DairyFreeDesserts. (Looking for more hashtag ideas for your business try the hashtag library of over 2000 hashtags for female entrepreneurs)

Being more selective with your hashtags ensures that the users who stumble upon your content are those genuinely interested in what you have to offer. Plus, it keeps your captions clean and free from the clutter of excessive hashtags.

Crafting an engaging Instagram caption requires a blend of storytelling, intention, relatability, and smart SEO practices. By following these six rules, not only will your posts capture your followers’ attention, but they’ll also attract the right kind of followers – those who resonate with your brand, engage with your content, and ultimately, become your loyal customers.

These are the six rules that I have been living by since revamping my Insta account. It’s undoubtedly helping me so much, and I encourage you to give them a try. Even in case, it’s just one or perhaps two, and I hope you will see the significant difference it can make soon and help you create engaging Instagram captions.