How to DIY flat lay photos for your business

Flat lay photos are branded custom stock photos curated for you to use in your content.  


As we know, the illustrious flat lay is in high demand.  They have gone from custom stock photography for content templates to incredibly styled shots.  Stock photos have become too generic for today’s visual audience. Hence, the flat lay uprising.


Custom stock photography can be costly when outsourcing.  However, if you are just starting your business a styled flat lay can be achieved in four easy steps.

My agencies brand photographer and I spend quite a bit of time swooning at the next level flat lay on Instagram.  Although they often look intimidating they are actually not as complex as one may think.

Some of our favorite flat lay creators on Instagram include







Here Is How To Achieve Custom Styled Flat Lay Photos For Your Business In 4 Steps.

1. Gather All The Props

Don’t go crazy here.  Likewise, get a bit creative.  In fact think of props and items that tell about you, your business, your brand.  Generally, we typically go for items around the house, the office, and especially the dollar store.  In fact, props can be as easy as notebooks, books, magazines, newspapers, coffee mugs, and your office supplies.  Use items that describe the industry that you are in. For example, if you are a personal trainer use weights, shaker cups, supplements, gym bags, towels, and similar items.  Similarly, a realtor can use items in her personal brand colors, office supplies, household items, and even fresh flowers.

One thing to keep in mind when collecting props is that they need to be aligned with your brand.

Props should be:

  • visually consistent with your existing brand, in other words, aesthetic specific
  • reflect your brand colors
  • show your brand values
  • visually describe your mission and goals
  • share your personality in a way that will help you relate to the clients that you want to work with

2. Find Backgrounds 

The most beautiful flat lays consist of clean, simple, backgrounds.  For backgrounds, we try to keep these consistent with the aesthetic of the brand.  If your brand is bright, clean, and airy use white backgrounds or light-colored woods.  For rich, bold brands, don’t be afraid to use patterns, textures, or solid colors. Mix it up!  But keep consistent with your brand. If you choose a background to be sure to continue to use it as a staple brand background.  Keep it fun, and stylize your brands with your favorite backgrounds. Don’t forget to use your office desk or tables as branded backgrounds.  It’s simple to make these branded props.

3. Style The Shot

After prepping the background and shooting area it’s time to style the props.  Less is more. However with creators such as @ktnewsms more is best. Think of more as layers.  Layers can be textures, patterns, shapes, and colors in props. Fill negative space with ribbon, paper clips, filler, glitter, even rose petals.

Some shots can be styled with depth.  Try using big and small items as well as tall or deep props.  And if it fits, add your fur baby!

Start Shooting

Fortunately, smartphones have evolved so much and have amazing cameras.  I often use my iPhone to shoot stock for clients when I run into things when I’m out and about.  More often than not, while in a store I pull random items and arrange them on a floor to take a quick flat lay.  Target bargain area is a treasure chest of props and because its at the front of the store there is great natural light.  Next, hover over the flat lay, wither using a stool, or chair.  Finally, find enough space between the camera and the flat lay.  Start snapping!  Additionally, consider shadows, therefore moving around the flat lay to find the best shot is worth it when you go to edit your photos. If you find that you struggle with shadows use a whiteboard or a reflective board to redirect the light.

4. Edit The Shots

You did it, the hard part is over.  What I mean by hard part is gathering props and all the items you need to shoot custom branded flat lays.  Editing can be tricky but with quick edit apps such as Snapseed, VSCO, A Color Story, Darkroom, even Photoshop for iPhone, all you need is a few clicks and done.  I recommend Snapseed or VSCO because you can choose the same filters so that you can develop consistency in color, lighting, and edits through all your flat lays. At our agency, our creative director makes specific presets for my personal brand, agency assets, and for each one of our social media clients.  That way they are truly branded and themed just for each brand. Once you develop your own editing style of your choosing you are ready to upload and use them wherever you need.

You have a starter stock collection that you can now use for

  • Instagram posts
  • Instagram Stories
  • Instagram Stories Ads
  • make engaging Facebook Posts
  • Email Newsletters
  • Blog Posts
  • Business cards
  • Media kits
  • And so much more.

Finally, now that you have gone through the process of creating your very own branded flat lays consider other branded photography.  By the way, you can also add yourself in the mix while shooting your flat lays.  Consider adding your kids, your favorite coffee and limbs like these below.









Remember, if DIY brand photography isn’t your thing –or you’re just low on time, I’ll personally create a set of custom branded flat lays for you to use in your content marketing. Contact me today at for more information😊.  In case, you need a headstart, download 10 free flat lays for you to edit and use. HERE