I’m always searching for good entrepreneur quotes. I look for one with some character that serves as encouragement for small business owners to run the race. I woke up one night at 2:00 am and compiled these quotes till dawn. The criteria for these quotes is they to have be livable, actionable and inspirational entrepreneur quotes.
Here are the 20 motivational and inspirational entrepreneur quotes for business.
1. Say yes you’ll figure it out afterward – Tina Fey
When you are first starting your business fear, what if, and what will they say always keep you from just saying yes. One thing entrepreneur friends have shared with me is that at first, they overthink exactly how they will launch their business. Now as a marketer and planner I’m all for a good planned out strategy. But often times we just need to go for it and figure out the rest of the puzzle pieces later. If we focus on having all the pieces we will never start anything. Why? Because the lifespan of a business is ever-changing as well as the industry its in.
2. Invest in yourself you can afford it trust me – Rashon Carraway
For now, invest in yourself. In everything, you can do to just say yes to what will bring you one step closer to your dreams. Let’s forget to invest in your business. Get those fancy business cards. Hire that marketer to help you brand yourself from the start you owe it to yourself and the success of your business.
3. When you need to innovate you need collaboration – Marissa Mayer
Let’s not forget to collaborate. Search for those key players and business partners that will help you on your journey. I have a couple of friends that I meet with regularly to innovate. One of them is a successful blogger Lisa Condor Stauber of Blog Elevated. She also puts on amazing marketing conferences throughout the year that help both marketers and primarily bloggers to promote and grow their business. My other partner in crime is Ozeal Debastos. He runs a successful podcast, founder of PodHouston where I serve as board member, (I’m just part of the crew) and is a business coach passionate about leadership and developing talent. They really help to give the best advice.
4. An entrepreneur tends to bite off a little more than he can chew hoping he’ll quickly learn how to chew it. – Roy Ash
Because we often tend to bite more than we can handle. I know that when I started this blog while running my agency, working a full-time job, serving on the American Business Woman’s Association, serving as President of the UOPX Alumni Association Houston Chapter, plus an active member of several organizations and groups in marketing I had to choose which of these tasks to cut. I cut out all activities that did not pertain to my business or got me one step closer to generating income for myself or my business. It was painful to let go of being the president of the largest alumni chapter in the nation. Was it pride, I’m not sure, but I am okay with that decision.
5. There are two types of pain, one that hurts you and the other that changes you. – anonymous
Pain as an entrepreneur comes in many ways. Burnout and feeling you are not getting anywhere fast is a constant pain. Then there’s those that talk about you. It hurts when the people closest to you don’t believe in your cause or think your business is a mere hobby. But you can choose to wallow in your pain or rise above it and pursue a purpose driven life.
6. Instead of freaking out about these constraints, embrace them. Let them guide you. Constraints drive innovation and force focus. Instead of trying to remove them, use them to your advantage. – 37 signals
Use these circumstances to your advantage. It’s not about showing the naysayers you can. It’s about proving to yourself that you can. The power to rise above is driven by why you are doing what you are doing.
7. People don’t buy what you do; they buy why you do it. And what you do simply proves what you believe – Simon Sinek
Remember why you are in business. What’s your passion, your mantra, your calling. Focus on that higher purpose of what you do to attract your clients.
8. Don’t worry about being successful but work toward being significant and the success will naturally follow. – Oprah Winfrey
If you focus on your why and not success you are one step ahead of your entrepreneurial journey. This quote is one of the nearest and dearest encouragement for small business owners. Not because its an Oprah Winfrey quote but because focusing on significance is much more fulfilling than success.
9. Being of service is not enough. You must become a servant of the people. When you do, you can demand their commitment in return. – Cesar Chavez
When your business lives to serve others you place yourself in a position of influence. Influence can create movements. It creates tribes and loyalty. Live to serve and other will serve you.
10. There are still many causes worth sacrificing for, so much history yet to be made. – Michelle Obama
Therefore, always remember your cause. Is it worth sacrificing for? You’ll never know until you live it every day as your purpose.
11. No me creo la divina Garza soy la divina garza – Maria Felix
This quote is a funny business quote. Why? It has nothing to do with business but with self-acceptance and self-projection. Which leads us back to it being a great entrepreneur quote. Loosely translated it says I don’t think I am the great heron, I am the great heron. Maria Felix is iconic and embodies the true image of an entrepreneur. Going against the status quo and holding up to her own values and ideals this quote should be on everyone’s inspirational entrepreneur quote list.
12. A man does what he can; a woman – Isabelle Allende
I can’t help it I had to add this one. As a female and a minority business owner. I can do everything a man can do. So latina entrepreneurs reading this just remember “si se puede.”
13. The purpose of life is to live it, to taste experience to the utmost, to reach out eagerly and without fear for newer and richer experience. – Eleanor Roosevelt
Don’t forget to enjoy the journey. The entrepreneurial life has highs and lows and should be enjoyed as they help us grow. Taste it, Live it, Let it leave a lasting joyous impression in your life that you can share with your children’s children someday.
14. Great minds discuss ideas; average minds discuss events; small minds discuss people. – Eleanor Roosevelt
Next up, one of my favorite quotes. It also aligns with the previous two quotes. As an entrepreneur make sure not to gossip or talking about what others are doing in your field. Focus on helping and lifting others in your same arena. Discuss struggles, weaknesses and learn from each other instead of tearing your competition down.
15. Do what you feel in your heart to be right – for you’ll be criticized anyway. You’ll be damned if you do, and damned if you don’t. – Eleanor Roosevelt
Eleanor Roosevelt is obviously such an inspiration to me and my business journey. I had to share this quote. Don’t worry about those that don’t choose to support you. Don’t worry about your competition if they don’t care to support you either. They have a lot of growing up to do. Just keep doing you. The right people will show up to give you the support you need.
16. Chingale, because no one else is going to do it for you – J Franco
Finally, before we move on to the next four quotes on the list, here is my personal mantra. No one knows why you do what you do more than you. Don’t expect others to have the same passion for your business than you. Your employees will not have that same burning passion you do. So it’s up to you to carry that torch yourself. Work harder than your team and everyone around you. In the end, you control your outcome.
17. The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams – Eleanor Roosevelt
Never stop believing in your dreams. When you do your fire dies out and you can no longer inspire others to work toward your business.
18. They thought I was a Surrealist, but I wasn’t. I never painted dreams. I painted my own reality – Frida Kahlo
Your dreams are your reality. They are not the someone else’s reality. It may be a hard and arduous road but it will come to pass. Only if you live your dreams. Don’t keep them locked up release them.
19. At the end of the day, we can endure much more than we think we can – Frida Kahlo
As I mentioned before, the road is long and hard but you can do this. I know you can. As a matter of fact, it is with great certainty that I know you can because…
20. Before I formed you in the womb I knew you; before you were born I set you apart; I appointed you as a prophet to the nations.” Jeremiah 1:5
I leave you with this final quote for you to ponder on. Your dreams are not just a thought. They are real. You were destined for this. If you feel that fire burning uncontrollably it is for you. For your purpose was already written out for you even before you were born. Your end story has already been written it’s up to you to live up to that greatness.
What are the entrepreneur quotes that inspire and motivate you? I’d love for you to share them with me in the comments below. I am always looking for a good business quote to live and learn by. xoxo, J Franco
Want more inspiration? Check out The Top 5 Must Read Now, Entrepreneur Books.
That Woman has a slew of amazing & inspiring entrepreneur quotes for a lifetime!
I LOVE a good inspirational quote, so this is the perfect post for me.
And as a new business owner – I appreciated reading this post a lot. Thank you for sharing!
Hi Alexandra, thank you and I wish you amazing success remember that when it gets tough these quotes help re-inspire you. Reach out with if you ever need anything.
totally needed this today! and definitely bookmarking for future reference – thank you so much for sharing 🙂 xx
Awe! Im so happy this helped today! Stay on the course its not easy but its worth it!